Source code for envy

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function

import os
import sys
import logging
import json
from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation
    import urllib.parse as urlparse
except ImportError:
    import urlparse

    from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
except ImportError:
[docs] class ImproperlyConfigured(Exception): """Configuration Exception Imported from Django if available, otherwise defined as a simple subclass of Exception """ pass
try: from django.utils.six import string_types except ImportError: if sys.version_info[0] == 3: string_types = (str,) text_type = str else: string_types = (basestring,) text_type = unicode __version__ = '0.1.1' NOTSET = type(str('NoValue'), (object,), {}) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Environment(object): """Class for reading and casting environment variables This class presents the main interface for interacting with the environment. Once instantiated, it can either be called as a function, or any of the convenience methods can be used. Args: environ (`dict`): Environment to read variables from """ _collections = (dict, list, set, tuple) _lists = (list, set, tuple) def __init__(self, environ): self.environ = environ
[docs] def __call__(self, var, default=NOTSET, cast=None, force=True): """Function interface Once the environment has been initialised, it can be called as a function. This is necessary to provide custom casting, or it can sometimes be preferred for consistency. Examples: Casting an environment variable: >>> env = Environment({'MY_VAR': '1'}) >>> env('MY_VAR', cast=int) 1 Providing a default: >>> env = Environment({}) >>> env('ANOTHER_VAR', default='value') "value" Args: var (`str`): The name of the environment variable default: The value to return if the environment variable does not exist cast: type or function for casting environment variable. See casting force (`bool`): Whether to force casting of the default value Returns: The environment variable if it exists, otherwise default Raises: ImproperlyConfigured """ return self._get(var, default=default, cast=cast, force=force)
[docs] def __contains__(self, var): """Test if an environment variable exists Allows using the ``in`` operator to test if an environment variable exists. Examples: >>> env = Environment({'MY_VAR': '1'}) >>> 'MY_VAR' in env True >>> 'ANOTHER_VAR' in env False """ return var in self.environ
# Simple builtins
[docs] def bool(self, var, default=NOTSET, force=True): """Convenience method for casting to a bool""" return self._get(var, default=default, cast=bool, force=force)
[docs] def float(self, var, default=NOTSET, force=True): """Convenience method for casting to a float""" return self._get(var, default=default, cast=float, force=force)
[docs] def int(self, var, default=NOTSET, force=True): """Convenience method for casting to an int""" return self._get(var, default=default, cast=int, force=force)
[docs] def str(self, var, default=NOTSET, force=True): """Convenience method for casting to a str""" return self._get(var, default=default, cast=text_type, force=force)
# Builtin collections
[docs] def tuple(self, var, default=NOTSET, cast=None, force=True): """Convenience method for casting to a tuple Note: Casting """ return self._get(var, default=default, cast=(cast,), force=force)
[docs] def list(self, var, default=NOTSET, cast=None, force=True): """Convenience method for casting to a list Note: Casting """ return self._get(var, default=default, cast=[cast], force=force)
[docs] def set(self, var, default=NOTSET, cast=None, force=True): """Convenience method for casting to a set Note: Casting """ return self._get(var, default=default, cast={cast}, force=force)
[docs] def dict(self, var, default=NOTSET, cast=None, force=True): """Convenience method for casting to a dict Note: Casting """ return self._get(var, default=default, cast={str: cast}, force=force)
# Other types
[docs] def decimal(self, var, default=NOTSET, force=True): """Convenience method for casting to a decimal.Decimal Note: Casting """ return self._get(var, default=default, cast=Decimal, force=force)
[docs] def json(self, var, default=NOTSET, force=True): """Get environment variable, parsed as a json string""" return self._get(var, default=default, cast=json.loads, force=force)
[docs] def url(self, var, default=NOTSET, force=True): """Get environment variable, parsed with urlparse/urllib.parse""" return self._get(var, default=default, cast=urlparse.urlparse, force=force)
# Private API def _get(self, var, default=NOTSET, cast=None, force=True): # Find the value in the environ # If the value is missing, use the default or raise an error try: value = self.environ[var] except KeyError: if default is NOTSET: msg = "Set the environment variable '{}'".format(var) raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg) else: value = default # Cast value if: # 1. it is different than the default # 2. we force, and default different from None if (value != default) or (force and default is not None): value = self._cast(var, value, cast) return value def _cast(self, var, value, cast): if cast is None: pass elif cast is bool: if not isinstance(value, bool): if value is True or value.lower() == 'true': value = True elif value is False or value.lower() == 'false': value = False else: msg = ("Environment variable '{}' could not be parsed " "as bool: value {} must be 'true' or 'false'") raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg.format(var, value)) elif cast is int: # Allow _ as separators to increase legibility if isinstance(value, string_types): value = value.replace('_', '') try: value = int(value) except ValueError as e: msg = ("Environment variable '{}' could not be parsed " "as int: {}") raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg.format(var, str(e))) elif cast is float: # Allow _ as separators to increase legibility if isinstance(value, string_types): value = value.replace('_', '') try: value = float(value) except ValueError as e: msg = ("Environment variable '{}' could not be parsed " "as float: {}") raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg.format(var, str(e))) elif cast is Decimal: try: value = Decimal(value) except InvalidOperation: msg = ("Environment variable '{}' could not be parsed " "as Decimal: {}") raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg.format(var, value)) elif cast in self._lists: if isinstance(value, self._lists): value = cast(value) elif isinstance(value, string_types): parts = value.split(',') value = cast([p.strip() for p in parts if p.strip()]) else: msg = "Cannot cast environment variable '{}' from {} to {}" formatted = msg.format(var, type(value), type(cast)) raise ImproperlyConfigured(formatted) elif isinstance(cast, self._lists): if len(cast) != 1: msg = ("Cast for environment variable '{}' is not valid: " "cast must be a {} of length 1") raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg.format(var, type(cast))) # Convert to a list, since sets do not support indexing icast = list(cast)[0] if (icast in self._collections or isinstance(icast, self._collections)): msg = ("Cast for environment variable '{}' is not valid: " "It is not possible to cast to nested collections") raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg.format(var)) parts = self._cast(var, value, type(cast)) value = type(cast)([self._cast(var, p, icast) for p in parts]) elif cast is dict: if isinstance(value, dict): pass elif isinstance(value, string_types): parts = [i.strip() for i in value.split(',') if i.strip()] items = [p.split('=', 1) for p in parts] value = {k.strip(): v.strip() for k, v in items} else: msg = "Cannot cast environment variable '{}' from {} to {}" formatted = msg.format(var, type(value), type(cast)) raise ImproperlyConfigured(formatted) elif isinstance(cast, dict): if len(cast) != 1: msg = ("Cast for environment variable '{}' is not valid: " "cast must be a dict of length 1") raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg.format(var)) keycast, valcast = list(cast.items())[0] if (keycast in self._collections or isinstance(keycast, self._collections) or valcast in self._collections or isinstance(valcast, self._collections)): msg = ("Cast for environment variable '{}' is not valid: " "It is not possible to cast to nested collections") raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg.format(var)) parts = self._cast(var, value, dict) value = {self._cast(var, k, keycast): self._cast(var, v, valcast) for k, v in parts.items()} else: try: value = cast(value) except Exception as e: msg = ("Cast for environment variable '{}' could not " "be parsed: {}") raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg.format(var, str(e))) return value
# Export an initialized environment for convenience env = Environment(os.environ)